We believe it is important for our students to attend their regular classes as much as possible. However, if a student misses a class because of illness or any other excused absence; we do offer, as a courtesy, make-up classes.
How to Schedule a Make-up
1. Log in to the Customer Portal using your email address and password.
2. Navigate to MY ACCOUNT and click on the “Makeups” icon for the appropriate student.
3. This will bring up a list of all makeup tokens associated with the selected student.
4. After following the instructions above, if the student has a token to use, you can click the "Request" button (to submit a
makeup request for staff approval) next to the token details to schedule the makeup lesson.
5. On the next screen, the system will search for a list of eligible classes based on the token’s settings and the selected makeup date. Eligible classes are based on the student's age, level, and whether there are openings available in the class. There is a limit makeup date to at most 7 days from today
6. Once you have located the class you wish to request makeup in, click on the class to complete the enrollment process and redeem the makeup token.
7. The makeup enrollment will then be submitted for approval. You will receive an email informing you if your enrollment request is” approved” or “denied”.